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Partners in real time

You know that feeling when you arrive in a foreign land and you simply don’t know where things are, where the right services are located and depending on your trip, you might sometimes find you just don’t speak the language. It can be quite amusing and adventurous on a holiday but in business it just proves that we all need a reliable and knowledgeable partner. In Egypt we believe that’s what we do for the shipping industry.

The increase in world trade has seen the Suez Canal become one of the prime global waterways and the Middle East has benefitted greatly from this. As increasing numbers of ships arrive in our waters there is a corresponding need for ship management services and that’s where we come in. Safina Shipping Services is more than just a collection of services for vessels looking for help with crews, cargo and financial matters. We have built an operation that values real interaction with clients and sees us act as true local partner for owners, charterers and cargo shippers and receivers. Sounds like it was written by a marketing person but we really do operate as a company with these things in mind.

The growth in the Egyptian economy and the increasing demand for goods such as construction materials means we have more vessels looking for support once in Egyptian waters. There is always a demand for containers, breakbulk services and specific project cargos of various sizes. We have been offering those to visiting ships for many years and our knowledge and experience is the backbone of our services. Sometimes when people talk about their business and what they offer customers, something gets left out. With Safina we simply say if you need a ship agent in Egypt, if you are visiting Suez, Adabiya, Alexandria or other ports in our region, then you need to talk to us.

The latest regulations covering bunkering and ballast water; the allocation of permits and Port State Control notices, they all need to be taken care of and dealing with these matters, along with the cargo handling, husbandry services, chartering and freight forwarding are all things Safina can do for you. Language is never a problem and neither is knowing the specific issues that can affect your visits to the region and your interaction with Egyptian port services.

Transit through the Suez Canal will be high on the list for most operators and since we are part of Egypt’s leading maritime logistics group, we can ensure your permits, permissions and timings for transit through the canal are taken care of. Add into this mix chartering and dry-docking and there doesn’t seem to be much we won’t be able to help visiting ships with. 

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