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We all have a duty to work for each other

There is business and there is the environment and they can exist together with the right care and attention paid. At Safina we are passionate about the work we do but we also understand we have a need to be considerate when it comes to the oceans. This is why we are supporting the Prosea marine initiatives that are working hard to make the oceans cleaner and safer for everyone.

Our work is based on ships and their cargo and we appreciate that using the oceans can cause some environmental impacts. We take the view that responsibility for caring for the environment lies with us all and we support the work of organisations like Prosea and their campaign for marine awareness.

Our operations don’t stop for our clients: we work 24/7 with their needs the most important element in our partnership with them. But we do this with more than one eye on the environment and as a reliable and environmentally committed partner; we will be working to ensure our operations don’t impact the environmental balance of the waters we operate in.

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