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Port ID Number (ISPS Code) | 17350 |
Approval Date | 17/6/2004 |
Time Zone | +2 GMT |
VHF | 9 11 13 16 |
ISPS Code Source | http://www2.imo.org/ISPSCode/ISPSPortFacilities.aspx |
Long | 29 o 49 / E |
Lat | 31 o 08 / N |
Natural Characteristics
Weather | Prevailing winds are North West. |
Wind Scale | 2-3 Beaufort (in summer), 3-4 Beaufort (in winter) |
Water Density | 1.030 g/cm3 |
Raining Season | Winter |
Tidal range and flow | 0.46 m. above the constat level of the map |
Total Area | 6240000 sq.m. |
Water Area | 2740000 sq.m. |
Land Area | 3500000 sq.m. |
Maximum Capacity 22.1 million ton/year:
Navigation Channels
1.5 mile length, 250 m. width, 20 m. depth.
Turning Circle
750 m. diameters, 20 m. depth for vessel maneuvering.
Main Breakwater
Breakwater To protect the port from widespread waves progressing from the North West 2250 m. long. The breakwater extends from Agamy throughout the several natural island, and consists of concrete – reinforced stones. The breakwater Chart datum varies from 2.77 m. to 5.8 m., reaches a depth between 10, 14 and the side sloping is 2 : 1.
It follows the regulations of Alexandria Port except Sumid units.
It follows the regulations for all ships whose tonnage exceeds 2000 tons.
Supply and Bunkering
Security, Safety and Environmental Preservation Properties
Address | Dekheila Port Authority (Affiliated to Alexandria Port Authority) 106 El-Horreya Avenue. |
Telephone | 03/4460124 to 4460126 (3 Lines) 03/4460130 |
Fax | 03/ 4460151 |